How to Install WordPress Website Using SoftQulas.

How to Install WordPress Website Using SoftQulas.

What is SoftQulas?

SoftQulas is a widely used web installer. It is very easy to use. SoftQulas allows you to set up popular CMS like WordPress or Joomla with your website in just a few clicks. Popular hosting companies of world use softQulas in their ceppens.

How to Install.

First, login to your Cpanel.

Here are the options for Softaculous Apps installer or Auto Installers. 

If you find the option of SoftQulas Apps installer or Auto Installers, click on the WordPress text in there .

After clicking on the WordPress option, a new page will be open. There you can see many options. From this option, click on Install.

A page like the image below will be open. Where some important form is given. You must complete this form .

The options work?

Choose Protocol:  The first option in the wordpress installation form is the Choose Protocol .Choose Protocol is the Safe protocol for your site. You can see two options at Choose Protocol. A https is another https. Generally everyone selects http. You can select https only when your domain or site SSL certificate is installed. The https protocol is safe from http .

Choose Domain:  You can understand this option. Choose any domain or site that you want to install WordPress from here.

Directory:  To install WordPress in a folder on your site, enter the name of that folder here. The folder is not created before, but there is no problem. Auto folder will be created in the name of what you write here.

Database name:  With this option you can change the name of the database of the database. There is no problem even if you do not change .Table prefix: This is your database table prefix. Leave it empty .

site name:  Enter your site title here .

Site Description: Place your site slogan here.

Enable Multisite:  If you want to manage a lot of sites at once, then click on it. And if you do not want to keep it as it is .

Admin username:  To login to the admin panel of admin, here is a user name .

Admin Password:  To login to the admin panel of the admin, you will also need to provide a password with a user name.

Admin Email:  Ordpress Admin If you forget your username or password for login to the panel, you can change it by email.

SELECT Language:  By default, Have it It is best not to change .Limit Login Attempts: Login attempts are used for this. You do not want to tick it.

Advanced Options:  Here are some options. I do not think any of these options have any importance .

Select Theme:  You can choose a theme like this from here. If you do not have any problems, click on the install button.

After installing the install button, the wordpress installation process will start. The installation process can take 1 to 3 minutes to finish .

You will receive a welcome message when the installation process ends. The link to the site that you installed WordPress and links to the WordPress dashboard will be here. You can control your website completely from this dashboard .
How to Install WordPress Website Using SoftQulas. How to Install WordPress Website Using SoftQulas. Reviewed by Tech-Wizard on July 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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