What is Wordpress Theme.
WordPress Theme:
Initially, WordPress Theme is just called the form of a look / look of the site or web blog. Even after changing the template of the WordPress site, it will only know the change in the face of your web blog. By using a template of WordPress you can control your content in your site.
A WordPress theme is created using many files, which uses the graphical appearance you used to see on your site. For example, the images of the style selection (style..SS) files, and the combination of HTML (HTML) and PHP (.php) to keep the theme files, such as the image image. In the same way, the website that is designed to present your website's content to read the front or style of the image, style and functional files to present a view or the customer or the customer.
To see thousands of free themes, visit http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/ click to this link.
What is Wordpress Theme.
Reviewed by Tech-Wizard
July 14, 2018

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